It is autologous cartilage which is harvested from own body and it is the best material for rhinoplasty.
Self rib cartilage can use not only for “nasal tip” but also “nasal bridge.
It has amount of cartilage more then ear or nasal septum carilage and less concern about artificial material’s side-effect.
"When use self rib cartilage for rhinoplasty"
01 - Secondary rhinoplasty or nasal deformity case
02 - Absence of nasal septum or ear cartilage due to previous rhinoplasty
03 - Congenital malformation such as cleft lip nose
04 - Wishing to have considerably high and long tip safely
05 - Wishing an operation with only autogous materials without using any artificial material
"What is the risk of rib cartilage rhinoplasty"
01 - Warping problem
02 - Injury to the underlying lung during graft harvest
03 - Incision scar
"What is the advantage of self rib cartilage rhinoplasty by Dr. Chang Geun-Uck"
01 Less concern of pain or scar as the cutting line is minimum
02 Short harvesting time (15min)
03 Anti-warping skill
04 Post-operation pain care
See Before and After
Thank you for reading this article.
Hanabi rhinolasty clinic is located in Gangnam, Seoul, Korea
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