2018년 12월 20일 목요일

Testimonial of Canadian patient

I thoroughly enjoyed my surgery experience with Dr. Chang Geun-Uck at Hanabi rhinoplasty clinic.

He is quite experienced and knowledgeable.

He was also quick to address my concens.

I was prided with an English translator for the nurses who only spoke Korean.
She was very nice.

Dr. Chang himself spoke perfect English.

The survice was gentle and all the people were kind.

Patient from Cananda.

2018년 12월 19일 수요일

Rhinoplasty using donated dermis

What is donated dermis?

Dermis is located between epidermis and subcutaneous fat.

Donated dermis is harvested from other people's body, and it thoroughly eliminated any immunologic reaction.

Rhinoplasty using donated dermis

1. Donated dermis is relatively soft material. Can expect natural outcome.

2. In case of patient doesn't like use artificial implant or harvesting material from patient's own body, donated dermis can be another option.

3. If patient has thin skin or thinned by previous rhinoplasties, donated dermis can be a good material.

Thank you for reading this article. 

Web:  http://www.hanabiclinic.com  (From the website you can also check Before & After)

Tel.:   +82-2-569-1161

E-mail: hanabiclinic@gmail.com

Address: 9F. 468 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

2018년 12월 17일 월요일

Testimonial of Singapore patient

"Dr. Chang is specialised and patient towards our questions.

He is able to understand me from my point of view and help me achieved a natural looking nose which I desired.

Moreover, there is no communication barrier!

He is able to speak in english, so it definitely put me at ease!

Prior to visiting the clinic, consultation was made online and Dr. Chang was the one that replied me unlike other clinics!

Overall is a pleasent experience.

Thank you Hanabi and Team!

From Kim, Singapore."

2018년 12월 13일 목요일

Testimonial of U.S.A patient

"My sister and I received warm and welcoming care from Hanabi Clinic.

Ji-Soo was by my side during every step, and comforted me before the operation.

Overall, I felt that I could trust all of the staff, who made the preocedure simple and easy for me.

Thank you for excellent care!

Patient from U.S.A"

2018년 12월 12일 수요일

Saddle nose deformity correction

"Saddle nose deformity"

If nasal septum cartilage is excessively removed or damged, middle part of nasal bridge is collapsed. And this is called "saddle nose deformity"

In this case, Hanabi recommends use patient's own rib cartilage. Becasue, rib cartilage has enough cartilage and strength for reconstructing nasal septum, bridge, and tip.

Hanabi has know-how of less pain, minimize scar and prevent benting in rib cartilage.

And also Hanabi anaylse the failure factor and diagnossis internal nose structure using 3D-CT. This system helps to plan a safe and precise surgery. 

Thank you for reading this artilce.

For further info, you can visit our website or contact us through e-mail. 

Web:  http://www.hanabiclinic.com  (From the website you can also check Before & After)

Tel.:   +82-2-569-1161

E-mail: hanabiclinic@gmail.com

Address: 9F. 468 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

2018년 12월 5일 수요일

Nasal septum cartilage for rhinoplasty

If you are planing to do rhinoplasty, you may heard of Nasal septum cartilage.

Nasal septum cartilage

Nasal septum is a partition in the middle of a nose that plays a role as a nose pillar. It also divides the path of nasal breathing into right and left.

Nasal septum cartilage can harvest from Nasal septum, and use for lengthening nasal tip or nasal tip supporting. 

(harvested nasal septum cartilage)

(nasal septum cartilage for nasal lengthening)

(nasal septum cartilage for nasal tip supporting)

The advantages of nasal septum cartilage rhinoplasty (Hanabi rhinoplasty clinic)

01 Autologous material

It is harvested cartilage from patient's own body.

So, it is safety material.

02 Correction of nasal septum deviation

(nasal septum deviation correction)

If patient has nasal septum deviation, it can cause nasal decongestion.

In this case, rhinoplasty and nasal septum deviation correction can be made at the same time.

03 Ear cartilage can either unuse or minimized

Thank you for reading this artilce.

For further info, you can visit our website or contact us through e-mail. 

Web:  http://www.hanabiclinic.com  (From the website you can also check Before & After)

Tel.:   +82-2-569-1161

E-mail: hanabiclinic@gmail.com

Address: 9F. 468 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea