2017년 1월 16일 월요일

Materials for nose job in Korea

It is always important that you learn about materials for nose job if you are going to do rhinoplasty in Korea.

You might be surprised with the information that you uncover by doinig your research about rhinoplasty.

Because you will realize that it is NOT a simple surgery.

So, if you decided to do nose job in Korea, then you must know what material they use and what is best and safe for your nose job.
There is many materials for nose job in Korea.

1. Silicone nasal implant

Silicone nasal implant is one of the most common material used for reconstructive rhinplasty.
This material is popular among Asians who want to higher their nose.
And many Korean rhinplasty clinic uses Silicone Nasal implant.
There are different shapes and size depending on the length and width of the patient's nose but the most common shapes is L-shape and I-shape.
However. one of the greatest disadvantages of this material is look unnaterial if inexperienced surgeons do.
And other disadvantage of Silicon nasal implant is infection and destruction. In this case you have to remove immediately.

2. Gore-tex

Gore-tex called expanded polytetrafluoroenthylene (ePTFE).
This material is also usded to fill facial lines, wrinkles, plump up the lips and chin and cheek augmentation.

The material is made out of pliable and porous material, which allows tissue in-growth to develop.

This means that the new tissue growth after the surgery will bind with the material and eventually forms part of nasal structure.
It is flexible and easier to mold and contour the material into the desired shape. So result is more natural.

It is strong with temperature, so you don't have to worry about exposing your new nose to extreme cold or heat without damaging it.
The disadvantage of this mateiral for nose job is difficult to remove it when you do revision rhinplasty.

That is why it is important that you learn and seek out a rhinplasty surgeon who has the expertise and a long history of performing successful nose jobs using Gore-Tex.
Hanabi rhinplasty clinic's Dr. Chang Geun-Uck has an experience of long history about Gore-tex.


3. Non-artificial materials (from self-body)

1) Nasal septal cartilage
2) Ear cartilage
3) Rib cartilage

Those material is from patient. It requires harvesting cartilage from patient.
This is safe material for nose job.

But Rib cartilage can result to make a scar on the area where the cartilage is harvested.

Dr. Chang Geun-Uck of Hanabi rhinoplasty has a skill to make smaller that area.
Hanabi rhinoplasty clinic recoment patient who has allergic reaction to artificial material and repulsed by artificial materal or experienced side-effect of an artificial material in previous operation.

Consulation with an Expert surgeon in Korea.

If you decided in getting your nose improved and want to find a professional doctor and get advice on nose job, Dr. Chang Geun-Uck will be best for you.

Dr. Chang Geun Uck
Current) Hananbi Rhinplasty Clinic. (www.hanabiclinic.com)
He was a director of Shimmian rhinoplasty clinic
Current) A director of Shimmian rhinplasty clinic is Dr. Jung Dong Hak
Hanabi rhinoplasty clinic

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