2018년 3월 13일 화요일

Hanabi nasal reconstruction surgery

What is reconstructive surgery?

Nasal reconstruction is to remake a new nose when it is entirely or partly damaged due to skin necrosis after nasal injection or severe rhinoplasty side-effec.

“Reconstructive surgery is repairing nasal shape and function”

When reconstructing nose, not only improving the figure into normal but also reviving nose function is important.

Hanabi’s nasal reconstruction

Hanabi analyzes the state of nasal septum cartilage and bone in three dimension using 3D-CT

Hanabi uses stem cell(extracted from the fat) to make tissue softer, so that it makes nasal reconstruction surgery easier.

Recovery after nasal reconsturction is very important.
Hyperbaric oxygen helps to recovery fast.

<Myanmar patient who had nasal reconstruction with Dr. Chang>

Thank you for reading this article.

– Hanabi Rhinoplasty Clinic –

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